welldoing.org is a therapy platform that lists professionals who can provide therapy and help with mental health in Kingston. You can read about their expertise and approaches, or use our matching questionnaire to see who is best suited to you and your concerns. You can make therapy appointments and pay for them online if you wish.
Kingston iCope
Kingston iCope offers free, confidential help for problems such as stress, worry, anxiety and depression and insomnia. Kingston iCope also offers a range of courses and individual treatments to help people manage symptoms of depression, anxiety and other cognitive, emotional and behavioural difficulties. It is for adults of all ages, from young to old.
Mind in Kingston
Mind in Kingston aims to promote the understanding of mental health issues and to provide a range of services in the Royal Borough of Kingston to people with support needs due to their mental health. 0208 255 3939.
The Kingston Crisis Home Treatment Team (KCHTT) provides treatment to patients in an acute crisis in their own home as an alternative to hospital admission. The team also works closely with Lilacs ward to allow early discharge from hospital. 0203 513 2500/2509