Types of coaching
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Which type of coaching is right for you?

The type of coaching that is right for you will depend on what area of your life you are hoping to improve. As a field, coaching originates from the idea of sports coaching, but now coaches work with people on a whole range of challenges. 

You may be seeking to climb the career ladder, or work out what career path is right for you in the first place. You might be hoping to find the right partner, in which case relationship coaching might be best for you. You may be seeking to achieve more personal goals like finishing creative projects or succeeding in public speaking. Or you may work with a coach at a particular time of your life, like when you are planning your retirement, when you are pregnant or entering the menopause, or when you need some help in bouncing back from redundancy.

Below we outline some of the main types of coaching. You can find a coach on welldoing.org here

Life coaching

Health coaching

Relationship coaching

Executive coaching

Leadership coaching

If you are interested in coaching for a specific issue

Coaching for public speaking

Coaching for motivation

Coaching for mental resilience

Coaching for confidence

Coaching for redundancy

Coaching for creativity

Coaching during pregnancy

Coaching for stress management

Coaching for leadership

Contact your welldoing.org coach today here