welldoing.org is a therapy platform that lists professionals who can provide therapy and help with mental health in Southampton and surrounding area. You can read about their expertise and approaches, or use our matching questionnaire to see which therapist is best suited to you and your concerns. You can make therapy appointments and pay for them online if you wish.
Steps 2 Wellbeing
The Steps 2 Wellbeing Service - a free, confidential, NHS service for to people aged 18+ providing a service across the county of Dorset and in Southampton for people registered at either a Dorset or Southampton GP surgery.
No Limits
No Limits - a charity which offers free and confidential information, advice, counselling, support and advocacy for children and young people under 26 who live in Southampton and Hampshire. 02380 224 224, @nolimits.org.uk
The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is an informal, non-judgemental, out-of-hours mental health service for anyone over the age of 18 who requires short-term support in times of great difficulty or is struggling with poor mental health.