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Read our posts about Nutrition

Why Food is More Than Just Science

Why Food is More Than Just Science

Choosing, preparing and eating nourishing food has never been so complicated and involved. The health conscious have always paid careful attention to the calorie content of food and been sure to tick off their 5-a-day, but even they are struggling with the growing number of dietary issues that require attention and the opposing expert views that seem to surround each one. What hope for those with only a passing interest in healthy eating? One of the key reasons that eating has become so complicated is that modern society demands that the decisions that shape...
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Food and Sex: Should We Give In to Our Cravings?

Food and Sex: Should We Give In to Our Cravings?

Taste. Lick. Suck. Bite. This thing we do, every day, all day long, is a driving desire in life. We work for it, think about it, crave things to consume. The innocent act of eating can sound so lustful. And, eating food is, at its core, incredibly sexual. Birds and bees pollinate flowers, the sexual organs of fruiting trees and plants, and we eat the results of these unions. In fact, eating is the most intimate thing we do with other people…in public. We take nourishment into our bodies at every meal, just as we take another person into us when...
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Iraqi Food I Grew up With is Today's Food Fad

Iraqi Food I Grew up With is Today's Food Fad

Digestive health is today's big food fad. People today are discovering food allergies they were not aware of; that some foods make you young and others make you age; that changing your job, partner or lifestyle would have fixed your ailment more efficiently than being loaded up on antibiotics.     This food fashion is all over men’s and women's magazines. Flipping through them at newspaper stalls in London makes me realise that their ground-breaking discoveries are my everyday food habits since I was a child growing up in Iraq. Back then I didn't once stop to...
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Managing Stress  with Mindful Eating

Managing Stress with Mindful Eating

If I asked you to simply stand up, both feet on the floor and just stand there, would you consider that stressful? Okay, not exactly. But what if I asked you to stand for five hours? Or better yet, for a full day with no pee breaks and no sleep, or for a full month? What if, while you were standing there for the next full month, I asked you to stand on one foot and then balance an egg on a spoon? Stress is like that. One thing on its own is not necessarily stressful, but stress can slowly build up over time. The daily to-do list gets longer, and at the same...
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