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Food and Sex: Should We Give In to Our Cravings?

Food and Sex: Should We Give In to Our Cravings?

Taste. Lick. Suck. Bite. This thing we do, every day, all day long, is a driving desire in life. We work for it, think about it, crave things to consume. The innocent act of eating can sound so lustful. And, eating food is, at its core, incredibly sexual. Birds and bees pollinate flowers, the sexual organs of fruiting trees and plants, and we eat the results of these unions. In fact, eating is the most intimate thing we do with other people…in public. We take nourishment into our bodies at every meal, just as we take another person into us when...
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5 reasons anti-depressants are not the answer to women’s problems

5 reasons anti-depressants are not the answer to women’s problems

One in 10 women in England take anti-depressants, according to a report released this week by the Health Survey for England. This shockingly high figure - nearly twice the level for men, and higher than figures for Europe overall – should make us pause for thought. Does this mean that 10 percent of women in England are suffering from severe depression? Because that is what NICE recommends anti-depressants for. Whereas, for mild to moderate depression, the advice is not pills, but talking therapy, which is not nearly so easy to get hold of as an easy-to-write...
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Sex: Have You Ever Regretted The Night Before?

Sex: Have You Ever Regretted The Night Before?

Is there a topic more emotive, fraught and confused than sex and consent, versus sex and coercion? Impaled on the shameful histories of silencing women and violence against women, many solutions are value driven but goal blind.  How far will the recent call for explicit consent go in protecting women from being victims of rape and men from being perpetrators of rape? One in seven students who responded said that they had experienced serious physical or sexual assault at University. In an NUS survey conducted four years ago, one in seven students who...
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Pregnancy Exercise : Benefits of  Prenatal Yoga

Pregnancy Exercise : Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

Pregnancy yoga helps women to connect to their bodies and their babies in the womb. They learn how to move more intuitively and to trust and have confidence in their bodies during birth. Pregnancy yoga helps women sleep better and keeps aches and pains, that are common later in pregnancy, at bay. As the bump starts to get bigger and heavier and the centre of gravity shifts, some women may start to experience back pain, rib pain, hip pain and shortness of breath. Regular yoga practice can help fine tune our balance both physically and emotionally, as we...
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