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A Happier, Healthier You: The Welldoing How To Guide

A Happier, Healthier You: The Welldoing How To Guide

This is just a quick post, to proudly announce that we have published an eBook: A Happier, Healthier You: The Welldoing How To Guide We have collected contributions from a wonderful array of experts, psychologists and writers, who offer their best advice on subjects that will – we hope – serve to make life less stressful and more enjoyable and balanced for you too. This How To Guide is all about your mind and body, with advice ranging from how best to start the day, how to build inner strength, how to find the job you love - and everything in between. And it's...
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Why Self-Compassion is as Important as Self-Esteem

Why Self-Compassion is as Important as Self-Esteem

My eleven-year-old daughter was complaining about her friend Mary. ‘She’s keeps boasting about her new school,’ she confided, looking despondent. ‘It’s got the most amazing netball courts and clubs for everything...and she’s got much nicer clothes than me...' As she began to sob, spouting a familiar litany about how her life was so much worse than Mary’s, I thought of Kristen Neff. She’s an American academic from Houston, who has put numbers to what I’ve long suspected as the mother of two daughters: the competition game starts young, and girls in particular...
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Food and Sex: Should We Give In to Our Cravings?

Food and Sex: Should We Give In to Our Cravings?

Taste. Lick. Suck. Bite. This thing we do, every day, all day long, is a driving desire in life. We work for it, think about it, crave things to consume. The innocent act of eating can sound so lustful. And, eating food is, at its core, incredibly sexual. Birds and bees pollinate flowers, the sexual organs of fruiting trees and plants, and we eat the results of these unions. In fact, eating is the most intimate thing we do with other people…in public. We take nourishment into our bodies at every meal, just as we take another person into us when...
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Expressive Writing for Mental Wellbeing

Expressive Writing for Mental Wellbeing

Expressive writing , sometimes called written emotional disclosure, is a fancy term for such a simple act: expressing oneself through writing. Most of us have done it at one point in our lives through keeping a journal or a diary. But of course, with modern age, it is now being done with a keyboard. To some extent, keeping a personal blog can be considered as a form of expressive writing. Tracing the roots of expressive writing Expressive writing is a therapy introduced by Pennebaker and Beall in the late 1980s. Their pioneering work (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986)...
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Why You Need to Switch Off

Why You Need to Switch Off

We all recognise the importance of a healthy work-life balance, but many of us still find it hard to switch off, even while we’re on holiday. A recent survey revealed that while the three main reasons for going on holiday were to spend time with loved ones (50%), to get some rest and relaxation (34%) and to take a break from work (22%), over two thirds (69%) continued to check their work email, with just under half (44%) admitting to checking in once a day or more. Why do we continue to act in ways that we know are not good for us and what is the impact of a...
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10 Ways to Sweep Yourself Off Your Feet This Valentine's Day

10 Ways to Sweep Yourself Off Your Feet This Valentine's Day

Sigh. It’s V-day. Plastic, commercialised love is all around. No, maybe that’s not entirely fair; why shouldn’t couples have a day to show some (cheesy) appreciation? But for people who don’t fit the cookie-cutter template it can be frustratingly difficult to avoid Valentine's day. Many people feel increasing pressure and self-criticism for not being partnered up this February 14th. I don’t see that hypocrite Cupid flying around with his girlfriend or boyfriend all the time, but somehow we’re all supposed to feel that way on this day. Here’s...
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