Valina Stavropoulou is a coach in N16, London and online

What attracted you to become a coach?

In my mid-20s shortly after finishing my studies I got a full-time job as an HR manager. I was extremely committed and driven, so I was working long hours and never saying ‘no’.

I consider myself an aspirational individual who used to have a high tendency towards perfectionism; this was not the greatest combination as it led me to burnout a couple of times. I went through periods of frustration and unhappiness trying to do it all perfectly well and be available 24/7 which was not sustainable in the long-term. Truth is, I loved my job and its complexity, but I knew that I needed to make changes to have balance in my life.

As I had no idea what to do or how to do it, I sought help. Working with a coach was undoubtedly one of the best decisions I ever made.

Since my studies in human resource management and focus on talent management, I had a keen interest on one’s personal development, but it was only after having coaching sessions myself that something clicked in me.

Coaching helped me overcome blocks and fear, discover who I really am and release my full potential.

Steeped in this innate desire to be truly fulfilled and happy I knew I must help others feel the same way. Driven to give the help I once got I qualified as a life coach. My purpose is to empower clients to find their unique potential. I want them to find their way and achieve what they have set out to.


Where did you train?

I attended iPEC, the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, one of the largest ICF-accredited coach training schools. I am qualified as a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner.


What kind of coaching do you offer? 

I am a life coach and leadership coach. I coach busy professional women to update and reorganise their life so they can lead a meaningful and balanced life with a renewed sense of energy. 

Working online enables clients do it within the comfort of their own preferred space. Phone sessions are recommended as it makes it easier to share personal stories. The focus is all on the words and the voice. Of course, it is up to the client to choose between a phone or video session.

How does life and leadership coaching help?

I help bring clarity to what it feels like an abstract picture in your mind, so you can focus on what matters. Throughout the coaching process, in a passionate yet non-judgmental manner, we discover the ways to connect with your core values and your true passion. 

I believe that you have the power to make any change you wish no matter the uncertainty we live into; there are always ways to accomplish your goals and dreams. I can guide you see opportunities and solutions as well as identify your growth points.

I believe in my clients more than they believe in themselves. I show them the respect they deserve for even having the courage to seek help.

I am committed to help tackle the daily challenges and fears that blocking them from enjoying a life full of potential, love, happiness, and balance.

What sort of coaching clients do you usually see?

I see mostly professional women on their mid-30s, 40s, who need to revamp their life and create work life balance.

Do you ever suggest books or other materials to clients?

Yes, absolutely, if it helps. The material is tailored to the client’s needs, requests and learning style.

What do you like about being a coach?

I like helping people see how truly gifted and talented they are. I love seeing clients transform from their cocoons to beautiful butterflies and accomplish what they have been hoping for. My favourite part is when a client has a breakthrough and realises that all the answers lie within themselves.


What is less pleasant?

Occasionally clients do not allow themselves to fully bloom as it is too painful to explore the challenging parts throughout the journey, so they choose to skip or cancel the coaching sessions.

What one piece of advice would you give someone?

All the answers lie within; there are no problems, only solutions and opportunities for growth. Trust the process and flow of life. Believe in the change you want to make with every cell of your body. Believe in you, choose to spend time towards your goals and you will see beautiful synchronicities and ease come your way.


What do you wish people knew about coaching?

Coaching is a truly magical process when you commit to it! Coaching is not just about goal setting; it is a journey that surprises you. If you are open to it, you can explore a whole new world for yourself that you've never even thought of before.

Do you have a favourite client testimonial or particular success story?

"Valina is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. We connected immediately. What is special about her is that you can completely trust that she is fully present with you every time she coaches you. It is a joy to speak to a coach who has her degree of presence and intuition. She was able to see through the story I was telling her, by recognising and challenging my underlying blocks/fears, and was able to reconnect me with my passion. On many occasions she has been able to reconnect me to my values and focus my scattered mind to what actually matters. I have complete trust in her investment in me and my growth, and in her confidentiality. This means that I feel safe exploring the parts of myself that are difficult to explore alone under her guidance. She never fails is direct me to new insights about myself and my life, which inevitably lead to a feeling of growth and progress and joy."

Contact Valina here

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