What is behavioural therapy?

Behavioural therapy focuses on human behaviour, believing that behaviours are learnt from our environment either by classical conditioning - by means of associations - or operant conditioning - by means of rewards and punishments. As behaviour is learnt, behaviourists believe that it can be unlearnt. Behavioural therapy therefore seeks to remove maladaptive or unwanted behaviour. 

Behavioural therapists will also consider the thoughts and feelings behind certain behaviours in order to better understand them. Insights into where the behaviours came from are helpful, however behavioural therapy is predominantly focused on the present and future, seeking to promote positive change and to rectify current issues, rather than focusing on developing insight. 

Who benefits from behavioural therapy?

Behavioural therapy would benefit anyone with a mental health condition which involves unwanted behaviour, such as an eating disorder, OCD, a phobia, addiction or anxiety. 

This information has been vetted by a professional member of the welldoing directory

Last updated on September 17 2015